Kapriol Blood Orange & Peach Gin 700ml
Kapriol Blood Orange & Peach Gin 700ml
Starting from the traditional Kapriol Dry Gin recipe , Italian quality oranges and peaches are selected, so that the characteristic flavor of these fruits is combined with the balsamic notes of the juniper of the Dolomites. A combination full of taste. The botanicals are first infused in alcohol of cereals of the highest quality, and then distilled in the historical stills of 1947, built by Antonio Padovan.
Kapriol Gin Blood Orange & Peach , presents the nose with a combination of bitterness and the sweet citrus of the orange which elegantly enriches the olfactory sensation of the product giving it complexity and delicacy. The intensity of the orange blossom emerges on the palate, accompanied in the end by a delicate note of peach.
Appearance: Tangerine
Aroma: A blend of bitter-sweet orange citrus
Palate: Intensified orange blossom with a hint of peach in the end
Bottle Closure: Cork
Alcohol: 40.7%