Kapriol Blueberry Gin Limited Edition 700ml
Kapriol Blueberry Gin Limited Edition 700ml
This Kapriol Blueberries Gin is obtained from an ancient family recipe: the blueberries are gathered from the Dolomite woods at the peak of ripeness and infused with our finest gin.
Kapriol Blueberries Gin has a fresh and fruity bouquet of booming forest mountains. The aroma is smooth and enduring whilst the sloe berry is balanced by the hops’ bitterness. Kapriol Blueberries Gin has got a very little
percentage of sugar, thus creating a tasty and aromatic flavour. The absence of citrus fruits makes it easy to mix.
Our advice is to mix this gin with sour fruits such as lime and grapefruit as you prefer.
Juniper berries are infused at room temperature for fifteen days before the first distillation begins, in two 100 litre copper stills from the Second World War. The same procedure is applied to the other herbs, except for the hops,
bay leaves and oregano, which are distilled by a cold process which also extracts the colour pigments, following a gentle filtration that maintains the natural flavours.
Angelica, Bay Leaves, Blueberry, Chamomile, Cardamom, Caraway, Coriander, Gentian, Juniper, Lavender,
Hops, Mint, Blueberry, Oregano, Mugo Pine, Rosehip, Rosemary
Bottle Closure: Cork
Alcohol: 40.7%