Kapriol Dry Gin 700ml
Kapriol Dry Gin 700ml
Kapriol Dry Gin is sugar-free and has a dry and aromatic taste on the palate. The absence of citrus fruit inside makes Kapriol Dry Gin lend itself easily to mixing; our advice is to combine it with sour elements such as lime and grapefruit according to your tastes, obtaining a dry gin but not too much, just bitter, but very fresh and extremely refreshing.
Appearance: Crystal Clear
Aroma: Presents itself on the nose with fresh and balsamic aromas reminiscent of mountain woods. Juniper and mint combine with the balsamic notes of mountain pine and laurel.
Palate: On the palate it is soft and persistent, the herbaceous aroma is balanced by the tenuous bitter flavors of hops.
Pairings / Cocktail Suggestions: Kapriol & Tonic, Bordeaux Night, Summer Dream
Bottle Closure: Cork
Alcohol: 41.7%