Kapriol Monte Pelmo Gin 500ml
Kapriol Monte Pelmo Gin 500ml
Kapriol Mt. Pelmo has a fresh and mediterranean bouquet. The aroma is smooth and enduring, a light note of pink grapefruit are confused by the hops’ bitterness. Kapriol Monte Pelmo has got a little percentage of sugar, thus creating a delicate aromatic flavour. The citrus note makes Kapriol Monte Pelmo perfect for a classic Gin Tonic.
Appearance: Crystal White
Aroma: Dry with citrus notes
Palate: Delicate, with a hint of pink grapefruit
Pairings / Cocktail Suggestions: Siora Maria, London Mule, Classic Gin Tonic
Bottle Closure: Cork
Alcohol: 41.7%